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How One Simple Action Will Make You Wealthy As a Loan Officer

Matt Enfield is a brand new loan officer out in Utah who listened to our podcast, then took my advice to just start asking for business. He closed 7 loans (over $2 million) in his first full month licensed, and sent me a Facebook message to thank me. So we sat down recently for a…

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How To Achieve Loan Officer Freedom

Chris Haynes, a loan officer out of Nashville, Tennessee, closed 54 loans in personal production last month, and that’s par for the course for him. He’s been increasing his numbers on a progressive schedule for quite a while now. As rates go up at some point, his numbers aren’t going to go down. Chris is…

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The Best Marketing Tool to Get Referral Leads From Agents

There are all kinds of marketing tools out there that loan officers can use. How do you know which ones work best? If you’re looking to drive traffic to your website and get more likes and followers for your content, you can focus on lead generation. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s no substitution…

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Why Loan Officers Should Grow Their Team to Close More Loans

I don’t know the percentages offhand, but I do know that many loan officers get started in the business on their own. A loan officer career is one where it’s quite possible to work as a solo entrepreneur. But only if you want to stay small and have no plans for growth. That’s not you,…

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Loan Officers in the World Today

Tips for Hiring More Loan Partners and Processors You can work on your own as a loan officer, but you will never grow and scale your business working alone. You’ll need to add loan partners and loan processors to your team. And you’ll need to know how to pay them correctly and provide the best…

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Tips for Hiring More Loan Partners and Processors

You can work on your own as a loan officer, but you will never grow and scale your business working alone. You’ll need to add loan partners and loan processors to your team. And you’ll need to know how to pay them correctly and provide the best environment to encourage their productivity. To be clear,…

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How to Close More Loans and Make $4000 with Each Meeting

Every loan officer has good months and bad months, even the veterans among us. It’s that crazy roller coaster that comes with the territory in our industry. But my friend, Scott Hudspeth, has found a formula for “getting lucky,” closing more loans, and making every month a good month. He says it all boils down…

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How to 10x Your Loan Officer Income

When Kristen Jamison and I met almost seven years ago, she had closed a grand total of ZERO loans. Last month, she closed 54 loans in personal production. She’s a true zero to hero story, the classic “small town girl makes good.” And, through it all, she’s still the same wonderful, humble person she’s always…

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Why Loan Officers Don’t Need More Leads

So many loan officers are freaked out about leads. “I need leads. I need leads. I need leads.” Unless you just started yesterday, it’s very likely you don’t need new leads. They’re almost definitely sitting there right under your nose; you just aren’t looking.  I know it’s sexier to go out and get new business than to…