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Loan Officer Back To The Future… a little weird…

Ok, I know this may be a little “weird” or “deep” for an early morning, and with this being Christmas Eve, but follow me here for a minute. The FUTURE me from last month is the LIVE me TODAY… Once I realized NOW me…is really just FUTURE me from last month…I was able to get…

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Busy VS Productive (my secret sauce…)

How do you work in your mortgage business? Are you a “busy” person? Or a “productive” person? Busy people try to accomplish as many things as possible in the 8 hour work day.  Productive people prioritize their major tasks, and accomplish those in order of importance so that their day’s worth of work is maxed…

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How Loan Officers Can Avoid the Job Change Mistake

Last year, 44% of all loan officers changed companies. That’s a lot of loan officers. In my humble opinion, I think they should have read this blog post before they made the move (wink). I’ve always shied away from this topic, but I’ve realized I’m doing people a big disservice by avoiding it. I sat…

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How to Warm Up Your Cold Calls to Realtors

Most loan officers experience some trepidation when it comes to making cold calls. But what if you could make warm and fuzzy calls instead of cold ones? Would that help alleviate your reluctance to pick up that phone? Kristen Simpson is one of our coaches who does strategy calls with loan officers. She’s fantastic at…

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How Loan Officers Can Thrive in Today’s Challenging Market

When people face challenging times, the natural human response is to freeze or flee. And loan officers are definitely facing some challenging times right now. I sat down recently with my partner, Ralph Watkins, to talk about how to persevere through the changes in today’s market. Ralph is the one who got me into the…

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4 Common Questions Loan Officers Ask (and Some Answers)

I get a lot of great questions from my fellow loan officers, and I love to share what I’ve learned from my own experience over two decades in the mortgage business. Hopefully these answers might help you out as well. Let’s dive in! Question #1: I’m Overwhelmed At Work. What Do I Do? When I…

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5 Tools You Need in a Rapidly Increasing Rate Environment

Rates are on the rise. Of course we all knew this would happen. It’s the nature of the beast. But it doesn’t mean we feel prepared to face this new (and often scary) environment we find ourselves in right now. I recently sat down with my good friend Steve Kyles to talk about the tools…

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Shoppers Are Going to Shop—and You Don’t Need to Stop Them

Rate shoppers. They’re the bane of our existence as loan officers, right? How do we handle them? How can we keep them from shopping? How do we reel them back in once they start to shop around? The short answer: we don’t. When it comes to rate shoppers, I’d like to offer a different perspective….

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How to Get Your Offers Accepted In a Competitive Market

Inquiring loan officers want to know: in a competitive market with multiple offers on properties, how do you get your client’s offer accepted?  I sat down recently with my friend, Kei Kullberg, in New York’s Hudson Valley to talk about just that. Kei and I met after he started listening to my podcast from his…