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Why Loan Officers Don’t Need More Leads

So many loan officers are freaked out about leads. “I need leads. I need leads. I need leads.” Unless you just started yesterday, it’s very likely you don’t need new leads. They’re almost definitely sitting there right under your nose; you just aren’t looking.  I know it’s sexier to go out and get new business than to…

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How to Handle Rate Shoppers As a Loan Officer

All loan officers get shopped sometimes. Borrowers are trained to call around and ask about rates. Those are just the facts. And you know what? It’s okay. Instead of getting frustrated about this reality, let’s put it in perspective. If you’re closing 25% of your referred leads, you’re good. Our goal doesn’t need to be…

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How Loan Officers Can Ramp Up Their Business This Year

My friend Cindy Ertman is a self-proclaimed Beach Girl located in Manhattan Beach, California. She’s been in the mortgage industry for 32 years, and I sat down with her recently to ask her what loan officers should be doing to ramp up this year.  Cindy decided very early on in her loan officer career that…

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Don’t Wait For Your Pants

Some time ago I was chatting with a guy who wanted to pick my brain for loan officer tips. “What’s the biggest reason loan officers fail to reach their full potential?” he wanted to know. This was only the 200th time I’d been asked that question, so I had a ready answer. “That’s easy,” I…

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How to Close More Loans with ONE Simple Tool You Already Own

There’s not some big secret way to make more money as a loan officer. We already have everything we need. We know what works. We just don’t do it. Why not? I’ll tell you. Trying Everything But the ONE Thing I see loan officers making so much effort, doing so much work, all so they…

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How to Be a Successful Loan Officer In Just Four Days a Week

A while back, I was hanging out with some fellow loan officers. As we chatted, we realized we shared some great strategies in common. We took the best of the best of everyone’s scripts, and what did we come up with? The perfect structure for a week in the life of a loan superstar. It’s…

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The 4 Processes Every Loan Officer Should Master

What exactly does a Loan Officer do? Put simply, a Loan Officer’s job is to make the phone ring. As successful Loan Officers, we bring in the business and our team helps us by taking applications through the closing process – while we go out and sell, sell, sell! Whether you’re a Loan Officer, Mortgage…