
How a Loan Officer Lost Everything and Got it All Back

My dear friend, Rayce Robinson, has been in the mortgage business since 2001 and has a genuine rags-to-riches story. He’s one of the leaders in our Freedom Club and has been a great inspiration to me for a lot of years.  He’s based in Orlando, and in 2008-2009 when the housing market crashed, there wasn’t…


How to Make a Record Month Your New Normal as a Loan Officer

Loan officer careers are flourishing right now with interest rates at an all-time low. A lot of our Freedom Club and Mortgage Marketing Animals members are doing 3x and 4x their usual number of loans. We’re hearing stories of people who normally close just 3 or 4 loans a month closing 10 or 15 or…

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How to Quadruple Your Income In A Year Like This Loan Officer

I met Scott Griffin at the beginning of 2016. Scott is a mortgage broker located in Los Angeles who is knocking it out of the park in one of the most competitive markets on earth. He’s a humble guy who’s letting me share his recent numbers to inspire others to believe they can do the…


How Loan Officers Can Overcome Call Reluctance

Loan officers will pay big money not to have to pick up the phone, but they’re just not getting results. If you want to be a top producer in the mortgage industry, you have to spend time on the phone, plain and simple. Why do loan officers have call reluctance? Because they’re afraid of being…

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How One Simple Action Will Make You Wealthy As a Loan Officer

Matt Enfield is a brand new loan officer out in Utah who listened to our podcast, then took my advice to just start asking for business. He closed 7 loans (over $2 million) in his first full month licensed, and sent me a Facebook message to thank me. So we sat down recently for a…

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How To Achieve Loan Officer Freedom

Chris Haynes, a loan officer out of Nashville, Tennessee, closed 54 loans in personal production last month, and that’s par for the course for him. He’s been increasing his numbers on a progressive schedule for quite a while now. As rates go up at some point, his numbers aren’t going to go down. Chris is…

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The 3 Best Ways to Double Your Mortgage Business

I’m going to be completely honest and tell you that the title of this post doesn’t give the whole truth. If you implement these loan officer strategies I’m getting ready to share, you aren’t going to double your mortgage business. You’re going to triple your mortgage business. Maybe even quadruple your mortgage business. Now, that’s…

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Don’t Wait For Your Pants

Some time ago I was chatting with a guy who wanted to pick my brain for loan officer tips. “What’s the biggest reason loan officers fail to reach their full potential?” he wanted to know. This was only the 200th time I’d been asked that question, so I had a ready answer. “That’s easy,” I…

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A Bridge To Somewhere

The key to developing a successful mortgage-marketing strategy is to follow it through to completion Think of success as something over there, across a fast-moving river. That success could be more closings, more pre-qualifications, more leads, more deals, but it is unattainable because the water prevents easy access to it. What creates access to success?…