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Don’t sit on the sidelines. It’s game time.

Starting your day on the right foot can make all the difference, especially in the fast-paced world of mortgage lending. That’s where the Loan Officer Breakfast Club™ comes in—a free, interactive Zoom meeting held every weekday at 8:30 AM EST, designed specifically for loan officers nationwide. Mortgage Marketing Animals What Is the Loan Officer Breakfast…

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When to Hire a Loan Assistant and How to Find the Right One

Everybody knows that a loan officer needs an assistant (partner) if they’re going to close more loans. But there are two questions that always come up. 1.) How do you know when to get one? and 2.) How do you find that person? At my mortgage branch, we have a loan officer assistant program that…

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What Does a Top-Producing Loan Officer’s Team Look Like?

My friend Steve Kyles and I sat down recently to talk about what a team looks like for a top producer. We each have a mortgage branch, and we operate in some similar ways and do some things differently as well. Let’s walk through some of those together. How Many Team Members Do You Need?…

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The Single Biggest Decision That Turned an Average Producer Into a Top Producer

Someone asked me recently: What’s the one decision that pushed you over the ledge from being an average producer to becoming a top producer? I thought that was a great question, so I sat down recently with my good friend, Steve Kyles, to talk more about it.  Steve is a producing branch manager, and I’m…

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How To Use Video to Become a Better Loan Officer

Every loan officer knows they need to be doing video. It gives people the opportunity to see you and get to know you. It puts you in front of people you don’t even know. It can only mean great things when it comes to growing and scaling your mortgage business. And yet so many people…

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How to Turn Your Leads Into Conversions

More leads! More leads! More leads! The mantra in the mortgage industry seems to be: more leads solve all problems. That doesn’t sound too bad. What’s wrong with getting more leads? First, when I talk to people and ask them what they need help with, about 50% say, “I need more leads,” and about 50%…

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Business As Usual While the Wheels Are Turning

Have you ever heard about those people who take their business on the road? People who work while also having a grand traveling adventure? Have you ever thought a loan officer could be one of those people? Let me introduce you to my friend, Roger McGuire. Roger, one of the leaders in our Freedom Club,…

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How to Survive and Thrive the Digital Real Estate Shift

I sat down recently with my friend, Geoff Zimpfer, in Las Vegas. Geoff helps mortgage and real estate professionals transition from the traditional world of sales and marketing to the new modern world where everything is going digital. He has a new book out called Disrupt or Die: How to Survive and Thrive the Digital…

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What Do Realtors Want From Their Loan Officers?

My referral partners are almost all real estate agents. As a loan officer, I recommend you devote your time to realtors. It’s hard to beat somebody where virtually all their clients need your services. For me, it’s always been the real estate agent. Mary Carroll is a local real estate agent I’ve known for 20…

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Simple Loan Officer Strategies that Move the Needle in Big Ways

My friend Steve Kyles and I sat down recently to talk to our friends at the Loan Officer Breakfast Club™. Every Monday through Thursday morning, we get together at 8:30am to talk about what actions we’re doing to bring more loans in and bring more chill into our lives.  We brainstormed some really helpful loan…