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The Best Marketing Tool to Get Referral Leads From Agents

There are all kinds of marketing tools out there that loan officers can use. How do you know which ones work best? If you’re looking to drive traffic to your website and get more likes and followers for your content, you can focus on lead generation. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s no substitution…

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Why Loan Officers Should Grow Their Team to Close More Loans

I don’t know the percentages offhand, but I do know that many loan officers get started in the business on their own. A loan officer career is one where it’s quite possible to work as a solo entrepreneur. But only if you want to stay small and have no plans for growth. That’s not you,…

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If You’re a Loan Officer Who’s Busy, You’re Doing It Wrong

If You’re a Loan Officer Who’s Busy, You’re Doing It Wrong So many loan officers are so busy right now that they feel like they’re drinking out of a fire hose. But where did we get the idea that busy equals good? If you find yourself with too much on your plate, it might actually…